Tomohiko Mizutani,
Implementing Hottopixx methods for endmember extraction in hyperspectral images,
arXiv, 2024.
[ Preprint
| Code
Tomohiko Mizutani,
Refinement of Hottopixx method for nonnegative matrix factorization under noisy separability,
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 43(3), pp. 1029–1057, 2022.
| Preprint
| Code
Tomohiko Mizutani,
Improved analysis of spectral algorithm for clustering,
Optimization Letters, 15, pp. 1303-1325, 2021.
| Preprint ]
Tomohiko Mizutani,
Convex programming based spectral clustering,
Machine Learning, 110, pp. 933–964, 2021.
| Preprint ]
Tomohiko Mizutani and Mirai Tanaka,
Efficient preconditioning for noisy separable NMFs
by successive projection based low-rank approximations,
Machine Learning, 107(4), pp. 643-673, 2018.
| Preprint ]
Tomohiko Mizutani,
Robustness analysis of preconditioned successive projection algorithm for general form of separable NMF problem,
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 497, pp. 1-22, 2016.
| Preprint ]
Tomohiko Mizutani,
Spectral clustering by ellipsoid and its connection to
separable nonnegative matrix factorization,
arXiv, March, 2015.
[ Preprint ]
Tomohiko Mizutani,
Ellipsoidal rounding for nonnegative matrix factorization under noisy separability,
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15, pp. 1011-1039, 2014.
[ Paper
| Preprint ]
Tomohiko Mizutani and Makoto Yamashita,
Correlative sparsity structures and semidefinite relaxations
for concave cost transportation problems with change of variables,
Journal of Global Optimization, 56(3), pp. 1073-1100, 2013.
| Preprint ]
Tomohiko Mizutani and Makoto Yamashita,
Constructing polyhedral homotopies on grid-of-clusters,
Pacific Journal on Optimization, 7(2), pp. 369-386, 2011.
[ DOI ]
Tomohiko Mizutani,
Finding all mixed cells for polyhedral homotopies,
PhD thesis, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2008.
[ Manuscript ]
Tomohiko Mizutani and Akiko Takeda,
DEMiCs: A software package for computing the mixed volume
via dynamic enumeration of all mixed cell,
Software for Algebraic Geometry, IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, 148,
Springer, New York, M. Stillman, N. Takayama and J. Verschelde (eds.), pp. 59-79, 2008.
| Code ]
Tomohiko Mizutani, Akiko Takeda and Masakazu Kojima,
Dynamic enumeration of all mixed cells,
Discrete and Computational Geometry, 37(3), pp. 351-367, 2007.
| Preprint ]
Takayuki Gunji, Sunyoung Kim, Masakazu Kojima, Akiko Takeda, Katsuki Fujisawa and Tomohiko Mizutani,
PHoM - A polyhedral homotopy continuation method for polynomial systems,
Computing, 73(1), pp. 57-77, 2004.
| Preprint ]
Antoine Deza, Komei Fukuda, Tomohiko Mizutani and Cong Vo,
On the face-lattice of the metric polytope,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2866 Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 118-128, 2003.
[ DOI ]